How does Xiaomi TV enter the TV system with one click?

Now I believe that from the time it is restricted to purchase, many people already have millet television, and have already sunk into it. A message recently asked me, how can I enter the millet TV system.

I searched the Internet for a lot of methods and installed a lot of software. I couldn’t use them at all, and some of them were quite complex. It was even harder for Sunny White, who just started on TV.

Xiao Bian brings you one of the latest methods today, one click into the TV system.

The first step: install the software

The second step: click to enter, you can enter the system, it is that simple

Continue to click on the OK button to jump directly into the TV system

Note: Do not change the system input method, changed, the next time you can not enter the system

"Back key" returns to the system home page, you can view and set up the TV system

Did you learn it, you only need to install QQ input method, then you can enter the TV system after running, follow the small dropout, it is so simple