South Korea's four major policies to accelerate the proportion of LED lighting

South Korea has established in 2015 that LED's share in total lighting will reach 30% in 2015. To this end, it promotes four major LED lighting policies.

First of all, in order to create the initial market demand for LED lighting, Korea plans to account for 30% of LED lighting in South Korea's public sector lighting in 2012, and expand the application of LED in public lighting to streetlights, tunnel lighting, and construct new cities, actively adopting LED Lighting to ensure LED lighting related manufacturers investment benefits.

Secondly, South Korea has set its sights on the global LED lighting market with a view to making LED lighting internationally competitive. It will start with related technologies such as increasing the LED luminous efficiency and extending the average lifespan of LEDs.

In addition, in order to solve the problems of poor quality of LED lighting products, South Korea has successively formulated LED lighting certification standards, and it has also accelerated the development of LED lighting certification standards. Following the development of LED lighting certification standards for replacing incandescent, halogen, and fluorescent lamps between 2008 and 2009, South Korea plans to promote the adoption of LED lighting certification standards for all types of existing lighting from 2010 to 2012.

In order to build a stable growth base for LED lighting, Korea not only plans to differentiate LED lighting related parks, in order to strengthen the LED lighting industry's vertical integration, but will also strengthen LED lighting patent capabilities through the construction of patent databases.

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