AI scientist Daniela Ruth: artificial intelligence is a human assistant is not an enemy

On January 10th, at the invitation of Dr. Wu Xianhong, the president of Chongqing Second Foreign Language School, Daniela Rus was hired as the tutor of the school's "Excellent Project" and boarded the platform to explain the cutting-edge technology of artificial intelligence and robotics. After the lecture, the Chongqing Daily reporter interviewed her.


Chongqing Daily reporter interviewed Daniela Ruth. Correspondent Ouyang Zubing

Daniela Ruth, her innumerable aura: she is a member of the American Academy of Engineering; she once founded the Dartmouth College Robotics Laboratory; she is the world's largest campus laboratory - the Massachusetts Institute of Technology computer The head of the science and artificial intelligence laboratory; her research on programmable substances and distributed robots has made it the highest-ranking woman in the world of artificial intelligence – she is a strange woman in the field of artificial intelligence.

On January 10th, at the invitation of Dr. Wu Xianhong, the president of Chongqing Second Foreign Language School, Daniela Rus was hired as the tutor of the school's "Excellent Project" and boarded the platform to explain the cutting-edge technology of artificial intelligence and robotics. After the lecture, the Chongqing Daily reporter interviewed her.

Chongqing Daily: What is the relationship between artificial intelligence and robots?

Daniela Ruth: Artificial intelligence is actually a study of ways to make computers show wisdom, with the goal of maximizing the expectations of computer work. A robot is a machine that performs work automatically. It is actually a machine.

Artificial intelligence is like a new ideology. It carries out a series of task processing through learning, reasoning, planning and perception. Artificial intelligence is like a human brain, so there will be artificial intelligence projects such as AlphaGo. In the industrial age, robots replaced industrial labor with fixed instructions. In the era of artificial intelligence, robots were given the "brain", and they could think and learn independently as people do. Therefore, robots can be said to be the expression of artificial intelligence.

The relationship between artificial intelligence and robots can be roughly understood as follows: artificial intelligence gives robots the ability to think, and robots should inherit the external performance of artificial intelligence. In fact, there is no necessary connection between the two. However, with the progress of the times, the two promote each other and form an inseparable relationship. The most extensive use of artificial intelligence in the future should be the "brain" of robots.

Chongqing Daily: In the field of artificial intelligence and robotics, you have a point of view that "software is in front of the hardware", can you elaborate on this point of view?

Daniela Rus: Yes, in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics, software development is ahead of hardware development. Although there are some problems to be solved in software development, such as whether the machine can be coordinated during the manufacturing process, can the machine talk to itself without central control, and then decide what to do next? It can be applied to transportation systems or to assemble furniture on a daily basis. Also, if the machine suddenly stops, will it conduct self-reflection and then lead people to help them in the past? At present, there are many algorithms that can solve the above problems, which is the leading position of software development.

Chongqing Daily: AlphaGo has proven that artificial intelligence surpasses the human brain in certain areas. Many people worry that when robots have artificial intelligence, they will be smarter than humans and even become enemies of human beings. This kind of plot often appears in science fiction movies, do you think the future will appear?

Daniela Russ: Are you talking about Terminator? In fact, neither artificial intelligence nor robots can replace humans, because artificial intelligence is also the crystallization of human wisdom. In the case of AlphaGo, even if it has the ability to self-learn, it is only limited to the field of Go, and it is not possible to switch to other chess games such as chess and poker. Therefore, artificial intelligence and robots are only good at a particular field. Therefore, they are the helpers of human beings to complete their work and enjoy life, not the enemy.

Linear Displacement Sensor

Displacement sensor, also known as linear sensor, is a linear device belonging to metal induction. The function of the sensor is to convert various measured physical quantities into electricity. In the production process, the measurement of displacement is generally divided into measuring the physical size and mechanical displacement. According to the different forms of the measured variable, the displacement sensor can be divided into two types: analog and digital. The analog type can be divided into two types: physical property type and structural type. Commonly used displacement sensors are mostly analog structures, including potentiometer-type displacement sensors, inductive displacement sensors, self-aligning machines, capacitive displacement sensors, eddy current displacement sensors, Hall-type displacement sensors, etc. An important advantage of the digital displacement sensor is that it is convenient to send the signal directly into the computer system. This kind of sensor is developing rapidly, and its application is increasingly widespread.

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